On last Saturday (25`12`10), my family and I were going to mom's village because my cousin is getting married. We have our breakfast at Restoran Jumaat. Hani, Mak Ngah, Abah and me had lontong while Kakak and Mama had Soto. Then we continue our journey to the village.. -.-
When we arrive, i just pick up my things and put in the house. Then i just sit and do nothing.. hehe.. Instead doing nothing, i borrow Hani's phone to transfer some musics via bluetooth.. When there's wedding somewhere, there must a music. Just the same music.. ~___~ soo lame~ "Selamat~ Pengantin Baru~.. Salamat~ Berbahgia~" haha.. I'm easily get bored here because i have no many friends.. Just sit there and do nothing.. I even didn't talk to my cousin.. ~___~ (look, i'm being arrogant -__-)
Why in any wedding must have someone sings? Sometime, they pick the singer that sucks in singing.. The pitching always run away from the real song.. >.<
After done with bluetooth-ing, i'm just sit there and write something for this blog with my phone..(blog: hoho.. what a good owner.. write something using his phone for me... hehe// me: shut up! -___-)
I love village because there are many greens here so i can sit here quietly and peace~ But for now, this place is full of people that invited to the wedding.. So, I'm not in mood to stay there that time..
This holiday sucks! I must do something before school starts (blog: eyy, next week start school la.. What you want to do with this short time? // Me: Shut up lahh!). Next year I must study more and prepare for spm on 2012.. No time to play~ (Blog: dear owner, are you sure there is no time to play? i think you play all the time! // Me: aiyo.. why you always blame at me? You're disturbing lahh // Blog: because i'm your friend.. =P)
This year is the only time for play..
(Blog: whatever lah Hariz~)
I decided to take some picture using abah's handcam,, these are the picture that i capture~
I think, next time i've to bring my friend la to make less boring~ There are so many kids here..( many kids = noisy >.< ) Two of them playing with the door -__- The boy close the door than his sister (i think) open it.. Then he close it again and his sister just do the same thing.. Keep opening the door... Kids~
To my cousins, sorry because i'm being arrogant.. I didn't shake hand with you guys before go back home (its because irfan causing trouble! i have to take care of him..)
Thats all my essay today.. haha.. till next time~
(Blog: i'll miss you owner.. // Me: i'll miss you too~)
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wow.. what a nervous day.. Hoho..
Today, I go to school and get the PMR result.. Not bad.. 4B 3C 1D..
I can't believe that I can get that. Mathematics I always got bad (Grade D) . But this time I got C .. BM, BI, SC and KH I got B. Math, Geo and PI I got C. History is the worst.. ~___~
Congratz to all my friends.. For now, I know Amalia got 8A (wow!) and Mus got 5A (not bad.. =D) . Get well soon Mus.. =)
Well, I tried to get 1 A. But now I got no A. What can I do? hehe. Just study hard and prepare for SPM.
Today, I go to school and get the PMR result.. Not bad.. 4B 3C 1D..
I can't believe that I can get that. Mathematics I always got bad (Grade D) . But this time I got C .. BM, BI, SC and KH I got B. Math, Geo and PI I got C. History is the worst.. ~___~
Congratz to all my friends.. For now, I know Amalia got 8A (wow!) and Mus got 5A (not bad.. =D) . Get well soon Mus.. =)
Well, I tried to get 1 A. But now I got no A. What can I do? hehe. Just study hard and prepare for SPM.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
White room~
Hello guyzz~ my room is white in colour now.. hohoho.. I paint it.. but not complete yet.. The computer table's part is hard to paint... Have to move the table first. And that table is large.. Large = heavy so, I can't do that alone. Need somebody to help~
haa, to my friend, Mus, get well soon yaa.. Soooo bored when ur not online~
Some of my myspace friend said, my face look like chinese.. o.o is that true?
well, maybe true when I'm in darjah 1.. My face is very white and I remember, there is one senior (darjah 6 x silap) like to pinch my cheeks.. hoho.. now, my face is dark a bit because of kawad kaki~ but still white ^^
Talk about kawad, this year KPA took first place~ yeahh! I'm afraid next year we can't get that place... For the first time in that school, KPA got the first place.. This year, most of them are form 5 students. Next year, we'll get in not enough members problem. Wahh. that makes me feel worried..
My friend said that picture is like his Pak Guard. haha.. He should wear a pair of glasses.. ==''
grr~ until my room is not finish painted, my brother didn't repair it... I'll paint that room as fast as I can.. >.<
Next year, I think I will not meet some of my friends.. They're move to other school. I'll miss you my friends.
Late already. Till next time.. ;)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Again, pc prob..~ Dunno what its problem.. i hate blue screen..
Everytime I (we actually) turn on the pc, when its loading, this blue screen appeared.. no idea what to say..
Blue Screen of Death! |
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Always get cold here~
Hey guys...
Today, I'll sleep at my sister's house~ This house always cool~ There are 1, 2, 3, 4 air-conds in this house and that including my room.
Here, I can feel a little bit free. Maybe I can sleep late here (hehe).
btw, I just told my brother to burn Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM (Chain of Memories) to cd so I can play it with my ps2 in this house.. I'm happy because my brother burned it ^^ but not too happy until I played all the Kingdom Hearts games.. hoho
Almost all day I spend my time with games.. What a boring holiday~
Also, we went to Jusco Tebrau City~ The reason is to play games at Smart Wonder World (look, games again~~). My brother-in-law give me rm30 for 30 token and we get free pen.. ~___~ Me brother and I play that shooting zombies(i guess zombies, some of them look like ghost) while the rest go play something else(i don't know what they're doing.. HAHA)
After an hour play, my stomach is asking some food.. We're going eat at Johnny's Restaurant. I love their Chocolate Milk Shake. You guys should try it~ There are many Thai-based foods and their noodle is green o.o (i think it's spinach noodle).
My feet is freezing already. Sitting here make a new post with a freezing fan (mmg sjok gler kipas niy nyer angin~) I'll stop typing here... Need some rest~ till next time.. =)
Today, I'll sleep at my sister's house~ This house always cool~ There are 1, 2, 3, 4 air-conds in this house and that including my room.
Here, I can feel a little bit free. Maybe I can sleep late here (hehe).
btw, I just told my brother to burn Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM (Chain of Memories) to cd so I can play it with my ps2 in this house.. I'm happy because my brother burned it ^^ but not too happy until I played all the Kingdom Hearts games.. hoho
Almost all day I spend my time with games.. What a boring holiday~
Also, we went to Jusco Tebrau City~ The reason is to play games at Smart Wonder World (look, games again~~). My brother-in-law give me rm30 for 30 token and we get free pen.. ~___~ Me brother and I play that shooting zombies(i guess zombies, some of them look like ghost) while the rest go play something else(i don't know what they're doing.. HAHA)
After an hour play, my stomach is asking some food.. We're going eat at Johnny's Restaurant. I love their Chocolate Milk Shake. You guys should try it~ There are many Thai-based foods and their noodle is green o.o (i think it's spinach noodle).
My feet is freezing already. Sitting here make a new post with a freezing fan (mmg sjok gler kipas niy nyer angin~) I'll stop typing here... Need some rest~ till next time.. =)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Hello guys,,
Almost all teenagers today love playing games. Well that including me~ And they play it with reason. Bored, stress, don't know what to do, are some of the reason. This school holiday is fu*kin' boring! I got all the day just sit in front this pc and play games. I'll tell all my favourite games. My favourite games are,
1. O2mania (O2jam offline mode)
2.Dawn of War : Dark Crusade
3. The Sims 3 World Adventures

These games for computer. Below are for ps2.
1. Kingdom Hearts 2 (I should buy KH1 first so I can understand the story =.=)

Sora's Forms
Only 1 for ps2.. =D For Nintendo DS,
1. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

2. Tetris DS

... I miss those games.. For Nintendo Wii,
1. Wii Sport Resort
2. Wii Music
3. Bonsai Barber
For GameBoy, I'm not putting any pictures...
1. Harvest Moon : Friends of Mineral Town
2.Pokemon Ruby
3. Pokemon Sapphire
4.Pokemon Emerald
5. Pokemon Red Rescue Team
For now, these are my favourite games...
I'm just play computer games this holiday...What a boring holiday~
Till next time guys.. =D
Almost all teenagers today love playing games. Well that including me~ And they play it with reason. Bored, stress, don't know what to do, are some of the reason. This school holiday is fu*kin' boring! I got all the day just sit in front this pc and play games. I'll tell all my favourite games. My favourite games are,
1. O2mania (O2jam offline mode)
2.Dawn of War : Dark Crusade
3. The Sims 3 World Adventures

These games for computer. Below are for ps2.
1. Kingdom Hearts 2 (I should buy KH1 first so I can understand the story =.=)

Sora's Forms
Only 1 for ps2.. =D For Nintendo DS,
1. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

2. Tetris DS

... I miss those games.. For Nintendo Wii,
1. Wii Sport Resort
2. Wii Music
3. Bonsai Barber
For GameBoy, I'm not putting any pictures...
1. Harvest Moon : Friends of Mineral Town
2.Pokemon Ruby
3. Pokemon Sapphire
4.Pokemon Emerald
5. Pokemon Red Rescue Team
For now, these are my favourite games...
I'm just play computer games this holiday...What a boring holiday~
Till next time guys.. =D
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
My lil' brother.. I hate him ! I have a computer in my room(our room). He use it all the day (actually, all the time!). He is a Selfish Jerk. He make that computer like his computer. He didn't think about anyone else. Anything happen in this house, he doesn't care. He's not go out from that room until the computer is off (only go out for eat). The thing that I always saw he do with that computer are, playing games (roblox[always!!], brothers in arm, Halo and many more) and online-ing. Sometime, he download games! And that makes the computer slow~ see? he doesn't care about it. He just care about playing games. Arghhh! Today, he use that computer all time. Tomorrow, if he use that computer again, he will get it! I can say that he is the laziest in this house, he didn't help anything in this house.. Just play computer. Sometime, when he get hungry, he ask my mom some food. Then she said, go eat that computer.. haha! If i am wizard, i'll change him to a fish and put him on aquarium.. or just fry him.. *laugh like a mad scientist* MUAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Yesterday, I go to sleep early before 12am. All family members watching ju-on at living room except me because i'm in bad mood. On 2 am, i'm awake and saw my father do something on this pc. I just look what hes doing and he didn't realize it. Then i went to sleep back. Today, i woke up and turn on the pc. It's working... ^___^
He just put the ram back to the proper place.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Another boring day.. sooo bored! I woke up and all my family members except bibik n abg adi gone. I call them, they said they went to Kluang (x ajak T-T). I just stay at home and do nothing. Well, to make the day less-boring, i hear some musics and try to sing it. The song is called "Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana" which means The Only Flower in the World.
Hear it..
namba- wan ni naranakutemo ii
motomoto tokubetsu na only one
hanaya no misesaki ni naranda
ironna na hana wo miteita
hito sorezore konomi ha aru kedo
dore mo minna kirei da ne
kono naka de dare ga ichiban da nante
arasou koto mo shinai de
baketsu no naka hokorashige ni
shanto mune wo hatteiru
sore na no ni bokura ningen ha
doushite kou mo kurabetagaru?
hitori hitori chigau no ni sono naka de
ichiban ni naritagaru?
sou sa bokura ha
sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
hitori hitori chigau tane wo motsu
sono hana wo sakaseru koto dake ni
isshokenmei ni nareba ii
komatta you ni warainagara
zutto mayotteru hito ga iru
gambatte saita hana dore mo
kirei dakara shikata nai ne
yatto mise kara detekita
sono hito ga kakaeteita
irodori no hanataba to
ureshisou na egao
namae mo shiranakatta keredo
ano hi boku ni egao wo kureta
daremo kizukanai you na o de
saitea hana no you ni
sou sa bokura mo
sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
hitori hitori chigau tane wo motsu
sono hana wo sakaseru koto dake ni
isshokenmei ni nareba ii
chiisai hana ya ooki na hana
hitotsu to shite
onaji mono ha nai kara
nanba- wan ni naranakute mo ii
motomoto tokubetsu na only one
motomoto tokubetsu na only one
hanaya no misesaki ni naranda
ironna na hana wo miteita
hito sorezore konomi ha aru kedo
dore mo minna kirei da ne
kono naka de dare ga ichiban da nante
arasou koto mo shinai de
baketsu no naka hokorashige ni
shanto mune wo hatteiru
sore na no ni bokura ningen ha
doushite kou mo kurabetagaru?
hitori hitori chigau no ni sono naka de
ichiban ni naritagaru?
sou sa bokura ha
sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
hitori hitori chigau tane wo motsu
sono hana wo sakaseru koto dake ni
isshokenmei ni nareba ii
komatta you ni warainagara
zutto mayotteru hito ga iru
gambatte saita hana dore mo
kirei dakara shikata nai ne
yatto mise kara detekita
sono hito ga kakaeteita
irodori no hanataba to
ureshisou na egao
namae mo shiranakatta keredo
ano hi boku ni egao wo kureta
daremo kizukanai you na o de
saitea hana no you ni
sou sa bokura mo
sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
hitori hitori chigau tane wo motsu
sono hana wo sakaseru koto dake ni
isshokenmei ni nareba ii
chiisai hana ya ooki na hana
hitotsu to shite
onaji mono ha nai kara
nanba- wan ni naranakute mo ii
motomoto tokubetsu na only one
I love this song.. =)
I don't know what to do know. I want to message someone but my phone credit = RM0.01 (poor me). Ok, now who got the same problem with me? Everytime I send message, it costs 10cent. Previously, it just 1cent! I hate this. I buy this phone number before Youth Club exists. I feel so bad. I want to buy a new phone number but I love this number so much! It's easy to remember it. When I want to put my friend's phone number to active10 list, there always be a problem. example,
dial *100# - hotlink specials - active10 - add - example number = 0101234567
sometimes, it will say, network problem. Other than that, "Anda telah memasukkan nombor yang tidak sah" (You have entered an invalid number). WTF !
Everytime i top-up my phone credit (RM10), after three days my credit = RM0.00 . That are some reason why i'm always bored.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I love this book~
I love Diary of a Wimpy Kid : The Ugly Truth. I've finished read it..
I should buy the first one so I can understand the story.. Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
I really love his story. Its fun to read.. =)
For now, this wimpy kid (Greg Heffley) has 5 diaries.
Anyone want to buy it for me? hehehehehe.. I really want to read those books. The one that I bought costs RM 45.95. Expensive isn't it? well, not my money~ hehe.. my father use his credit card to pay it.. =P
I'll tell you less about the story in his diary that I buy,
Greg Heffley has always been in a hurry to grow up.
But is getting older really all it's cracked up to be?
Suddenly Greg is dealing with the pressures of boy-girl parties, increased responsibilities, and even the awkward changes that come with getting older. And after a big fight with Rowley (his best friend), it looks like Greg is going to have to face the "ugly truth" all by himself...Thats all I can tell you.. If you interested with this book, go buy for yourself.. HAHA!
After PMR... enjoy huhh?
What a beautifully boring day. There's nothing to do~
PMR is over already and school holiday started... I thought I could enjoy a little before next year... But my thought was wrong... well, i'm the one who make it less enjoying.. My father take the RAM from my pc so I can't use it... (i think my father do that because i'm always go to bed late night). I got a greenlight from my sister (she told me her laptop password). I can use her laptop now... yay! and now, it's turn bad.. my father take the laptop and hide it somewhere.. and luckily, i found it (after 3 days searching for it).
This holiday, I don't know what to do. Everyday just doing the same thing, Wake up - pray - take a bath - take a breakfast - turn on laptop and online facebook till late night.. That sound bad isn't it? I heard someone just planned to take me to cinema.. I hope I can go.. I must do something before school starts back! Maybe, when school starts, the teacher told me to write an essay about last school holiday. My heart will stop pumping right there that time.
I'll spend my holiday with blogging, chatting, fb-ing, gaming n singing for now. Till next time.. =D
(i guess i can't update this blog so much)
PMR is over already and school holiday started... I thought I could enjoy a little before next year... But my thought was wrong... well, i'm the one who make it less enjoying.. My father take the RAM from my pc so I can't use it... (i think my father do that because i'm always go to bed late night). I got a greenlight from my sister (she told me her laptop password). I can use her laptop now... yay! and now, it's turn bad.. my father take the laptop and hide it somewhere.. and luckily, i found it (after 3 days searching for it).
This holiday, I don't know what to do. Everyday just doing the same thing, Wake up - pray - take a bath - take a breakfast - turn on laptop and online facebook till late night.. That sound bad isn't it? I heard someone just planned to take me to cinema.. I hope I can go.. I must do something before school starts back! Maybe, when school starts, the teacher told me to write an essay about last school holiday. My heart will stop pumping right there that time.
I'll spend my holiday with blogging, chatting, fb-ing, gaming n singing for now. Till next time.. =D
(i guess i can't update this blog so much)
New Blog... =)
Hello... This is my new blog... I'm just ignore the old blog(mls nak edit balek). I started to blogging back because I got jealous with my friends that have a blog.. so, i decided to make a new blog.. heee =D
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